2022.41 : All My Rowdy Friends
San Jose, California, USA Circa 2021
— Baltasar GracianFriendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.
an appealingly mischievous person
I had to the pleasure working with a wide assortment of scamps this summer. Five days a week. Start time 4am.
The temper eruptions.
The chorus of curse words.
The bitching and moaning.
The talk of dealing with the cops and parole officers.
The making me prove my metal.
The deep conversations about dementia.
The touching life stories.
The automotive talk.
The teamwork.
The unsolicited assists.
The laughter.
The friendship.
The sincere feelings of having to part due to forces beyond my control.
If I can get back to join you in the grind. I will. Until then.
Stop the belt, make upper management pay more for help.
Never judge weight by size.
Use your legs.
Keep on being good to each other.
We couldn’t take a team photo. This bizarre photo will have to do. And it’s fitting.
To each and every one of you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
And now … know the photograph.