2022.47 : Iranian Women
Los Gatos, California USA Circa 2022
— Christopher HitchensI don’t wish any ill on any fellow primate. Even if this primate is in possession of secret that is denied to me.
I can forgive even that because I live in a country where their rein doesn’t run. Their writ doesn’t apply. And they can’t burn me and silence me.
Never forget when they could, they did and long to again.
The brave women of Iran continue fighting to escape the oppressive hand of theocrats. Iran is a cautionary tale for the United States. The women in the companion video below never imagined they would lose everything. They went to sleep one night free – granted under a corrupt, cruel Western puppet – only to wake up subjugated to bronze age myths codified in law. Enforced by both police and clerics with policing powers. Yet, that’s what happened.
A powerful and yet simple protest trend has emerged. Giving the oppressive clerics a taste of the fear they dish out every day. To see it, click here.
One day the Persian people will be free. On that day, I will be on the first flight there.
And now … know the photograph.